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We Do This.

There are times when doubt covers the whole body, and it is hard to come out from the bed.

There is a Japanese comedian named Egashira 2:50.

His work is very extreme, and he was the most hated celebrity in Japan for a long time. * There is a ranking system in Japan to decide the most disgusting celebrities of the year; the system is extreme too.

Anyhow, recently, he started his Youtube channel, and so many people started seeing his beauty after 30 years of his career. I love him so much!

He didn't stop being him while so many people disliked him. He didn't change his ways while very little people could see him. He is the master of dedication to his heart and spirit. His heart is made by or became metal solid with compassion in time. He knows the pain, and he didn't give up.

As many of us know, the hatred energy is very sharp and hard for our energy body. Some part of me is afraid to be hated and demonized. It is not easy to share what I really believe because it is very vulnerable, and there is always a chance that my ideas are not comfortable for others. It is universal truth to me.

I believe it requires such a strong heart to stand for our paths in the sharp energy field. I hope we collectively learn how to transform hatred energy into peace instead of directing hatred towards others as well as ourselves.


I am deeply in love with spirituality, and I am open to talk about it here, yet still I feel some sort of insecurity.

Am I crazy?

Did I made up a stupid story?

Should I merge to the norm more? etc.

I am this way through my own experiences, so it is quite natural how I see the world. And I have some thoughts of doubt, like how my old friends feel when they read this post? for example.

I think so many people resonate with this feeling. I don't want to be a crazy one, I want to be loved, and I don't want to make others uncomfortable etc.

If we have the feeling, I say,

"Gambarou!” - "We can do it!"

The power of the Egashira 2:50. No matter what others say, we keep going! We can train our hearts stronger and stronger and trust our own paths and passions.


I see the idea that if we all do only what we like, society cannot keep going. Well, I personally not so resonate with how society works now, and I'd like to be a part of the change. The shift to the new modality which supports people's joy. And I believe it is already happening!

"Not the environment forms us but we form the environment."

It is a quote from my teacher Liv Mokai Wheeler from her learning, and I deeply resonate with this statement. I am done with modifying my own spirit to fit into some boxes which are already made. I choose the boxes with my will, and I create them if there are no boxes.


No matter what others say, and no matter how internal voices disturb us, I'd like to keep feeding my joy, and I want others to feed their joy.


We all are creators of our own lives.

We have the right.

We have the right to be part of the big change.

I support people who are dedicated to what they love.

I support people who are searching for what to love.

May we all keep choosing life with freedom and joy!

With much love,


Photo credit: unknown

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